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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The camera is located in Central Finland in the municipality of Muurame. The exact location of the camera is not disclosed, so that it does not become a target of vandalism.

You can request the right to use an image or video by contacting us using the form on the “Contact Us” page. Select “Commercial use” as the subject. Write in the message where and what material you want to use.

For photos we charge 10€ + VAT24/photo (12.40€ include vat)
Video 100€ + VAT24 (full access rights, you can make pictures from the video) (124€ include vat)

Sales contacts: [email protected]

Note! We charge a fee of 1,000€ (+VAT) for unauthorized commercial use.
Payments are handled by LocalghostFI (Business ID: FI29826295)

Visibility of the northern lights at the height of central Finland is possible, but not very common compared to Finnish Lapland.

Muurame is a scenic municipality of about 10,200 inhabitants in the Central Finland region. It is known for its active business policy and support for entrepreneurship. The world-famous Harvia stoves and saunas come from Muurami. There are also well-known people in Muurame, such as ice hockey players.